Malcolm Smith's


The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway

Part 16 : Poley's Bridge to Wenfordbridge yard

Click on the pictures to see an enlargement


  Back to Part 15   Keybridge to Wenford drying sheds

  Track at the north end of the drying sheds at Poley's Bridge.
   1 September 1984     [16/F/33]

   1 September 1984     [16/G/07]

  Concrete sleepers on the headshunt.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/06]

  Looking back towards the dryers.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/05]

  SR Railchair from 1924.
   1 September 1984     [16/M/30]

  Looking on from Poley's Bridge.
   1 September 1984     [16/F/34]

  Further along the line still looking forward.
   1 September 1984     [16/F/35]

  Looking back.
   1 September 1984     [16/F/36]

  Looking ahead once more.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/01]

  The sign has been removed from this post.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/02]

  The end of the line in 1984.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/03]

  Remains of a trackside building.
   1 September 1984     [16/G/04]

  The trackbed is overgrown up to Wenfordbridge yard.
   2 September 1984     [16/M/31]

  A piece of masonry in the undergrowth.
   2 September 1984     [16/M/32]

  Wenfordbridge yard.
   8 September 1984     [16/L/08]

  The site is still an active coal depot.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/01]

  Coal is now delivered by road.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/02]

  Coal bunkers.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/05]

  The sheds are a bit ricketty.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/07]

  The coal hopper for bagging-up.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/06]

  More coal.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/04]

  Gates at the north end of the yard.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/03]

  The gates viewed from the road.
   2 September 1984     [16/L/13]

  The De Lank tramway formerly ran out from this end of the yard and up
  to the left of the picture.

   2 September 1984     [16/L/12]
  Continue to part 17   The Bodmin branch (Dunmere junction to Bodmin)


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2001

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