Malcolm Smith's


The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway

Part 1 : Wadebridge station

Click on the pictures to see an enlargement


  Looking north west towards the site of Wadebridge Quay and
  the point where the former Padstow Extension Line connected.

   1 September 1982     [11/Y/25]

  Looking away from Wadebridge Quay towards the station.
   1 September 1982     [11/Y/24]

  Looking across the route of the access lines to Wadebridge Quay.
   1 September 1982     [11/Y/26]

  Looking up along the route of the line towards Molesworth Street.
   1 September 1982     [11/Y/27]

  Looking down the line from Molesworth Street crossing. This section
  of line runs alongside Harbour Road.

   9 June 1976     [01/F/34]

  Looking east along Molesworth Street over the site of the crossing.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/17]

  Looking towards the site of Wadebridge Quay from Molesworth Street.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/18]

  Looking towards the station from Molesworth Street.
   9 June 1976     [01/F/35]

  Bridge over the stream adjacent to the former sand dock.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/19]

  Looking down the line adjacent to the site of the sand dock.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/20]

  The station entrance off Fernleigh Road.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/22]

  The weighbridge office viewed from Fernleigh Road.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/27]

  The goods yard.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/24]

  Goods sheds.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/25]

  The goods yard.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/26]

  Loading shed.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/23]

  The goods sheds seen from Guineaport Road.
   3 September 1982     [01/F/36]

  The station platforms and buildings.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/32]

  The station building seen from the up side.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/29]

  General view of the station from Egloshale Road across the river.
   3 September 1982     [01/F/37]

  Detail of the canopy roof.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/34]

  The station building viewed from the north west.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/28]

  A view taken when the track was still in place.
   3 September 1982     [01/F/38]

  The down end of the station platforms.
 A new road has been put through the end of the main platform.

   3 September 1982     [11/Z/21]

  Remains of the service pit in the engine shed.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/33]

  A wartime pillbox.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/30]

  The up end of the island platform.
   3 September 1982     [11/Z/31]
  Continue to Part 2   Wadebridge to Burlawn.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2001

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