Verwood Village Scenes


Nellie's Lane, Gotham





Looking from the corner by "Brambles Farm" towards "Windsor House" at Gotham.

23 February 1978      [4/I/3]

A few yards further east looking towards Gotham with Nellie's Copse on the right.

6 April 1985      [16/X/29]

Looking southwards along the line of the former railway.

"Formakin" is to the right.

6 April 1985      [16/X/31]

Looking eastwards over the railway bridge.

"Tweezledown" is the white bungalow with "Glenwood Farm" beyond.

6 April 1985      [16/X/30]

The back of "Gotham Farm".

6 April 1985      [16/X/35]

Looking westwards over the railway bridge.

6 April 1985      [16/X/33]

The view north from the railway bridge.

The line was closed in 1964 and cleared away soon after.

6 April 1985      [16/X/32]

Fields opposite "Tweezledown".

6 April 1985      [16/X/34]

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Nellie's Lane, Gotham in 1999

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Copyright © Malcolm Smith 1999