Verwood Village Scenes


Lake Road


Part 1 - Newtown Road to Woodlinken Drive



The start of Lake Road off Newtown Road.

12 December 1976      [2/K/1]

The first house visible on the right is number 117 "Timberlane". The bungalow beyond is number 115.

12 December 1976      [2/K/2]

The two white bungalows on the left are number 96 (nearest) and number 94.

12 December 1976      [2/K/3]

This is where Lake Road crosses the brook.

The sign for Meadow Way can be seen on the left. That is now closed off to traffic.

Monmouth Drive now exists on the right hand side.

12 December 1976      [2/K/4]

The culvert taking the brook under lake Road.

12 December 1976      [2/K/5]

The brook running away from Lake Road. Brook Drive is now to the right and the brook itself is buried in pipes.

12 December 1976      [2/K/6]

This is where Lake Road changes direction at the junction with Woodlinken Drive.

This section of Woodlinken Drive was called Little Woodlinken until the road was made up.

Number 95a now stands where the sign for Woodside Nursery is in the picture.

Number 93 is the new house on the corner.

12 December 1976      [2/K/7]

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Lake Road part 2 - Woodlinken Drive to Ringwood Road

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Copyright © Malcolm Smith 1999