Verwood Village Scenes


Howe Lane





Howe Lane where it starts from Margards Lane.

11 February 1978      [4/G/33]

Looking back towards Margards Lane.

The bungalow in view is "Haywards Farm Bungalow" which is now number 76 Margards Lane.

11 February 1978      [4/G/32]

House numbers 68 (nearest) to 62 on the left.

Brenda Smith has baby son William in the pram.

11 February 1978      [4/G/31]

Taken from where number 70 now exists. The footpath entrance is on the right.

The notice in the trees on the left announces the prospect of a new school.

11 February 1978      [4/G/30]

Taken from opposite number 54 looking back towards Margards Lane.

11 February 1978      [4/G/29]

The lane on the right is the original junction of Manor Lane.

The brick bungalow is number 50.

11 February 1978      [4/G/27]

Where Howe Lane meets St MIchaels Road, a lane continues the other side to come out in Manor Road at the end of St Michaels Place. This picture shows the lane from Manor Road.

I am not certain if this lane is actually part of Howe Lane. Does anyone know ?

16 April 1978      [4/P/37]

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