Verwood Village Scenes


Edmonsham Road






Edmonsham Road where it meets the crossroads.

On the right is Paula's Place which was a shoe shop and has since been replaced by Fayrewood Court. The sale board can be seen to the right of the building.

On the left, Days shop was a greencrocer and fishmonger which also sold fish and chips on two evenings per week.

Compare this with the picture on page 17 of Around Verwood.

21 November 1976      [2/G/12]

Looking up from the junction with Coronation Road.

At that time the shop on the left was Pines Hardware Stores. See also page 23 in Verwood Village Days.

21 November 1976      [2/G/11]

Looking towards the village with the entrance to Park Drive on the right.

21 November 1976      [2/G/9]

Looking south towards the junction with Park Drive.

The broad driveway on the right leads to numbers 17 and 19 which replaced a cottage which caught fire some years ago.

21 November 1976      [2/G/8]

Looking north from the entrance to Park Drive.

21 November 1976      [2/G/10]

Taken also from outside number 20 but looking towards the village.

21 November 1976      [2/G/7]

Looking north along the road from outside the stone wall of number 20 "Rose House".

21 November 1976      [2/G/6]

Number 26.

4 April 1976      [M/7]

The gate opposite number 26.

4 April 1976      [M/9]

This is the field that is behind the gate in the picture above. It is about to be developed for housing.

12 December 1977      [3/W/4]

Numbers 30 and 32 stand behind the white fence.

Those plots were formerly occupied by a cob cottage called "Hazel Brow". It had a corrugated iron roofed lean-to in which I remember seeing an Austin 7 parked.

The junction with Coopers Lane is on the right by the speed deristriction signs.

21 November 1976      [2/G/1]

Taken from outside number 51 looking towards the junction with Coopers Lane.

21 November 1976      [2/G/5]

Numbers 51 and 53 are on the left.

Eastworth Farm is in the background.

21 November 1976      [2/G/2]

Eastworth Farm.

Many years ago this building was a public house called The Heathpault Inn.

The building still has an old Fire Insurance plate on the front wall.

16 September 1990      [23/I/30]

The former granary belonging to Eastworth Farm.

At this time the building was being used as a builders store by Sims Bros.

21 November 1976      [2/G/4]

The village boundary on Edmonsham Road.

21 November 1976      [2/G/3]

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Edmonsham Road in 1981

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Copyright © Malcolm Smith 1999