Malcolm Smith's





I have been taking photographs of trains since the late 1970's. I thought it time that they were put on display rather than being kept in a box, so here are some of them. The bias is towards the Southern Region although other regions are included. I have been lucky in that I have travelled on business over the years and have used the opportunity to take photographs in my spare moments.

Many these pictures have been taken by me but I have recently added material from part of a collection that I purchased. In some cases I have details of the workings of the trains pictured and would be happy to provide this information if requested.

My photographic skills are nothing to be proud of and I regard the photos mostly as a record of trains. In these pictures that I have displayed I have tried to include examples of the many liveries that there have been, regardless of the quality of the picture.

Select from one of the pictures below which will take you to a comprehensive list of that group.



I am also compiling a series of photographs entitled Days Out where I record the activity at specific locations over a period of time on a particular day.


Links to other photo sites

  • UK Rail Photo Gallery

  • Lexcie's Railway Picture Guide

  • Kennys Rail Photographs
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