Malcolm Smith's


Day's out around Southampton


A morning around Southampton and Millbrook on Thursday 29 August 2002.

09:15 - SouthWest Trains Railink bus
09:21 - 4cig Bournemouth to Victoria
09:21 - 4cig Waterloo to Poole
09:26 - 66536 up freightliner
09:29 - 153382 Filton to Southampton
09:30 - 158839 on the Cardiff to Portsmouth route
09:34 - 153382 to Filton
09:38 - 4cig Eastbourne to Bournemouth
09:48 - HST Poole to Newcastle
09:56 - 5wes berthed
10:04 - 57006 freightliner to Millbrook terminal

10:05 - A pair of 220 units to Bournemouth
10:16 - 57009 freightliner from the Maritime terminal
10:21 - 4cig Bournemouth to Victoria
10:25 - 4cig/4bep/4cig formation
10:40 - 150 units passing
10:42 - 4cep/4cig formation
10:47 - 66 + 47 freightliner to the Maritime terminal
10:59 - 66524 from Western Docks
11:03 - 5wes down

11:30 - 58020 on an up freight
11:39 - 66608 on aggregates
11:47 - 220009 & 220013 Bournemouth to Edinburgh
11:55 - 159001 Salisbury to Waterloo
11:57 - A pair of 33's
11:59 - 158 + 150
12:02 - 4 cig to Bournemouth
12:10 - 4 cig slow to Waterloo
12:21 - 66537 down freightliner
12:23 - 4cig Bournemouth to Victoria
12:26 - 153355 Bristol to Southampton
12:26 - 66002 down light engine

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