Malcolm Smith's






This part of my railway website features tickets.   My interest is centred around the former LSWR area and covers all periods up to the present day.

Since the end of the Edmonson era, the variety of ticket styles have been various, and I have been looking at a suitable way to categorise them.  This section of my website is an experiment to try and find a good means of displaying the tickets.  The experiment encourages me to research the tickets and hopefully I will gain some feedback from those of you who look at these pages.

Below are the categories into which I have put the tickets.  Examples will be added gradually as I get the time but I will start in the British Rail era as that is what I am particularly studying at present.

  • Pre-Grouping Edmonson tickets [In preparation]

  • Post Grouping Edmonson tickets [In preparation]

  • British Railways Edmonson tickets [In preparation]

  • British Railways non-Edmonson tickets [In preparation]

  • Early British Rail tickets [In preparation]

  • Late British Rail tickets [In preparation

  • Private company Rail tickets [In preparation]
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