Malcolm Smith's


The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway

Part 7 : Dunmere into East Wood

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  Back to part 6   Boscarne to Dunmere

  Looking forward over the crossing of a small private track.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/24]

  Looking southwards down the track and over the line
   1 September 1984     [16/M/17]

  Looking back towards the crossing and house.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/25]

  Further ahead up the line looking back over the next crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/M/16]

  Looking forward over the same crossing for the driveway to the house.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/26]

  Looking towards Wenfordbridge over another crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/27]

  Looking back down by an access gate into a field. This is not a crossing and access
  is from the line as can be seen by the tyremarks of a tractor.

   1 September 1984     [16/J/28]

  By milestone 7¾.  The railchairs show evidence of a guard rail from a crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/29]

  Milestone 7¾.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/30]

  Looking back along the line over a crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/31]

  Looking southwards over the crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/32]

  Looking ahead up the line over the same crossing.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/33]

  Looking forward over the crossing of a small private track.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/24]

  Looking back with the River Camel visible through the trees.
   1 September 1984     [16/M/15]

  Looking forward towards Wenfordbridge.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/35]

  Looking back in East Wood.
   1 September 1984     [16/M/14]

  Looking forward again at a point where a lane comes close to the line.
   1 September 1984     [16/J/36]

  Looking down the embankment to weirs in the river.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/01]

  Looking back.  You can see where a greasing point had been fitted to the track
 nbsp;to prevent squeeling wheels on the tight curves.

   1 September 1984     [16/K/02]

  At the same location are score marks in the sleepers gividence of a derailment.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/03]

  Looking ahead in East Wood.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/04]

  A bit further along the line.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/05]

  Looking back at one of the many pretty reverse curves.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/06]

  A view down to the River Camel.
   1 September 1984     [16/K/07]
  Continue to Part 8   East Wood to Pencarrow Wood.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2001

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