Malcolm Smith's


The Southampton and Dorchester Railway

Sandford sidings

Click on the pictures to see an enlargement


Back to Part 21
  Hamworthy station to Wareham.

  Diagram of Sandford sidings.

  1901      [Track]

  Route of the pottery track.

  21 July 1982      [11-P-19]

  Route of the pottery track.

  21 July 1982      [11-P-18]

  Route of the pottery track.

  21 July 1982      [11-P-17]

  Route of the pottery track.

  30 August 1978      [5-H-19]

  The pottery works.

  30 August 1978      [5-H-16]

  The pottery works.

  30 August 1978      [5-H-17]

  The pottery works.

  30 August 1978      [5-H-18]

Back to Part 21
  Hamworthy station to Wareham.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2021