Malcolm Smith's


The Southampton and Dorchester Railway

Part 19 : Wimborne station

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  West Moors station to Lieigh Road Wimborne.

  Looking towards Wimborne station from Leigh Road.

  July 1977     [03-F-05]

  Looking towards Wimborne station from Leigh Road.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-04]

  Remains of coal pens.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-03]

  Buffer stop.

  July 1977     [03-F-03]

  Buffer stop.

  July 1977     [03-F-02]

  Sidings in station yard.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-05]

  Trackwork with metal sleepers.

  July 1977     [03-F-04]

  Looking through the sidings towards Wimborne station.

  July 1977     [03-F-06]

  Exhibition coaches which were prepared in Wimborne yard during this period.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-17]

  Loading gauge in Wimborne yard.

  27 May 1977     [03-B-06]

  Utility conctere sleepers.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-02]

  Exhibition coaches which were prepared in Wimborne yard during this period.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-09]

  Looking north away from Wimborne station.

  July 1977     [03-F-13]

  Sifings behind the Up line platform and buildings.

  27 May 1977     [03-B-05]

  Grain store sheds.

  July 1977     [03-F-08]

  Grain store sheds.

  15 May 1978     [04-S-28]

  North end entrance to goods shed.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-21]

  Stack of concrete railway sleepers.

  July 1977     [03-F-07]

  East side of the goods shed.

  July 1977     [03-A-33]

  Goods office and store.

  July 1977     [03-A-34]

  Goods shed from the northwest corner.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-16]

  West side of the goods shed.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-06]

  West side of the goods shed.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-07]

  Crane inside the goods shed.

  29 May 1977     [03-A-36]

  Crane inside the goods shed.

  29 May 1977     [03-A-35]

  Crane inside the goods shed.

  24 June 1977     [03-D-23]

  Inside the goods shed.

  24 June 1977     [03-D-22]

  South entrance to the goods shed.

  24 June 1977     [03-C-37]

  South end of the goods shed and goods office buildings.

  24 June 1977     [03-D-26]

  Goods shed and office from the southwest corner.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-03]

  Storage buildings.

  24 June 1977     [03-D-24]

  Storage buildings.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-05]

  Storage buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-09]

  Store at end of Down platform.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-06]

  Store at end of Down platform.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-6]

  Back of the Down line platform buildings, north end.

  29 May 1977     [03-A-37]

  Back of the Down line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-27]

  Back of the Down line platform buildings, south end.

  29 May 1977     [03-C-35]

  Ladies toilet at the north end of the Down line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-33]

  Down line platform buildings.

  29 May 1977     [03-A-32]

  Down line platform buildings. South end.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-12]

  Down line platform buildings.

  27 May 1977     [03-B-1]

  Down line platform buildings. South end.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-7]

  South end of the Down line platform buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-16]

  Points rodding by the Down platform.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-10]

  Looking south from the end of the Down line platform.

  29 May 1977     [03-A-31]

  Looking along the Up line platform from the north end.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-4]

  Looking southwards along the Up line platform.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-15]

  Signal box.

  7 April 1962     [Wimborne-1]

  Points rodding by the Up platform.

  29 May 1977     [03-C-36]

  Gents toilet at the north end of the Up line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-36]

  Entrance to the gents toilet on the Up line platform.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-12]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-34]

  Staff foot crossing between the platforms.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-9]

  Central area of the Up line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-28]

  Looking southwards along the Up line platform.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-13]

  Looking southwards along the Up line platform.

  15 May 1978     [04-S-29]

  Staff foot crossing between the platforms.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-9]

  Looking northwards along the Up line platform.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-11]

  Staff foot crossing between the platforms.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-8]

  Southern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-35]

  Southern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  29 May 1977     [03-C-34]

  Southern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-17]

  Southern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-06]

  Looking northwards through the station platforms.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-10]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-07]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-09]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-19]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-08]

  Looking southwards along the Up line station buildings.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-18]

  Storerooms below the Down line platform.

  15 May 1978     [04-S-30]

  Northern end of the Up line platform buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-18]

  Southern part of the Up line buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-20]

  Gate at entrance to Up line yard.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-20]

  Station house in the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-12]

  Station house in the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-10]

  Station house in the Up line platform buildings.

  21 April 1978     [04-Q-11]

  Station house in the Up line buildings.

  July 1977     [03-F-21]

  The station viewed from Station Road.

  11 February 1981     [09-B-16]

  Looking through the western entrance to the station.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-19]

  Entrance to the booking hall on the Up line.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-19]

  Entrance to the booking hall on the Up line.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-31]

  Entrance to the booking hall on the Up line.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-32]

  Entrance to the booking hall on the Up line.

  23 June 1977     [03-D-13]

  Entrance to the booking hall.

  11 February 1981     [09-B-17]

  The Up line buildings viewed from the south western corner.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-21]

  The station viewed from Station Road.

  11 February 1981     [09-B-14]

  Up line buildings at the southern end.

  21 February 1977     [02-R-20]

  Points rodding at the southern end of the station.

  29 May 1977     [03-C-33]

  Looking southwards from the eastern sidings.

  July 1977     [03-F-11]


  Looking southwards from the eastern sidings.

  July 1977     [03-F-12]

  Looking southwards from the eastern sidings.

  July 1977     [03-F-10]

  Looking back at the station from the south.

  July 1977     [03-F-14]

  Looking back at the station from the south.

  27 May 1977     [03-B-04]

Continue to part 20
  Wimborne station to Hamworthy Junction.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2013

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