Malcolm Smith's


The Southampton and Dorchester Railway

Part 17 : Ashley Heath halt to West Moors station

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Back to Part 16
  Ringwood station to Ashley Heath.

  Horton Road crossing in Ashley Heath.

  9 November 1980     [08-U-20]

  Horton Road crossing in Ashley Heath.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-09]

  Gate to the station yard.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-08]

  Down line platform remains.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-10]

  Down line platform remains.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-11]

  Down line platform station nameboard.

  9 November 1980     [08-U-18]

  Location of the Down line platform shelter.

  9 November 1980     [08-U-19]

  Up line platform station nameboard.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-12]

  Lineside hut.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-13]

  Railway line at the end of Forest Edge Road.

  9 November 1980     [08-U-17]

  Looking westwards.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-14]

  Telegraph pole.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-16]

  Telegraph pole.

  9 November 1980     [08-U-21]

  Looking westwards near Lions Hill.

  1 November 1980     [08-U-15]

  Lions Hill crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-24]

  Gate on Lions Hill crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-25]

  Looking west.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-26]

  Looking west over Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-27]

  South side of the Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-29]

  South side of the Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-30]

  North side of the Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-31]

  Looking west from Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-28]

  Looking east over Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-32]

  Looking east back towards Moors River bridge.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-33]

  Crossing at West Moors Plantation.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-34]

  West from the crossing at West Moors Plantation.

  10 November 1980     [08-U-35]

  Buffer stop in West Moors Petrol Depot.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-01]

  Sidings in West Moors Petrol Depot.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-02]

  Buffer stop in West Moors Petrol Depot.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-03]

  View east alongside West Moors Petrol Depot.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-05]

  View west alongside West Moors Petrol Depot.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-04]

  South side of the line.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-06]

  East of West Moors crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-14]

  East of West Moors crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-15]

  Looking east from West Moors station.

  Date unknown     [West Moors 3]

  West Moors station.

  Date unknown     [West Moors 9]

  West Moors station.

  Date unknown     [West Moors 10]

  An Up train in West Moors station.

  1 April 1964     [West Moors 8]

  West Moors station Up line buildings.

  May 1963     [West Moors 6]

  Up train arriving at West Moors station.

  14 April 1964     [West Moors 7]

  Development on the site of the station.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-16]

  Development on the site of the station.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-09]

  Station Road crossing by West Moors station.

  Date unknown     [West Moors 5]

  View east over Station Road crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-17]

  View north over Station Road crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-10]

  Station Masters house.

  28 March 1984     [05-O-19]

  Station Masters house.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-08]

  View west from Station Road crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-07]

  Station Road crossing by West Moors station viewed from the east side.

  16 May 1964     [West Moors 11]

  Up train approaching Station Road crossing into West Moors station.

  Date unknown     [West Moors 4]

  View east towards Station Road crossing.

  10 November 1980     [08-V-18]

Continue to Part 18
  West Moors station to Leigh Road Wimborne.


All pictures copyright   Malcolm Smith 2013

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