Malcolm Smith's


The Southampton and Dorchester Railway

Part 12 : Lyndhurst Road station to Beaulieu Road

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Back to Part 11
  Fawley branch to Lyndhurst Road.

  Culvert under the line in Ashurst Wood.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-13]

  Down line signal in Ashurst Wood.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-12]

  Footbridge in Ashurst Wood.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-11]

  Footbridge in Ashurst Wood.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-25]

  View westwards from bridge 14.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-24]

  Sub-station in Churchplace Inclosure.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-10]

  Sub-station in Churchplace Inclosure.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-09]

  Bridge over stream near Home Farm.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-08]

  WHISTLE sign for crossing near Home Farm.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-07]

  Up line signal near Home Farm.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-06]

  Looking north from milepost 86¼.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-26]

  Looking south from milepost 86¼.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-27]

  Lineside boxes by Home Farm crossing.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-05]

  Crossing near Home Farm.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-28]

  Pedestrian gate at the Home Farm crossing.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-29]

  Culvert at Fulford Bog.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-30]

  WHISTLE sign on Up line at Home Farm crossing.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-31]

  Bridge 16 at Fulford Bog.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-34]

  Bridge 16 from the east.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-33]

  Bridge 16 from the west.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-32]

  Train passing Matley Holmes.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-03]

  Gradient marker near Matley Holmes.

  26 June 1979     [06-Q-02]

  Bridge 17 near Matley Holmes.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-37]

  Bridge 18.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-36]

  Lineside boxes by bridge 19.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-12]

  Bridge 19 at Fulliford Passage.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-10]


  26 June 1979     [06-P-09]

  Up line colour light signal.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-11]

  Up line signal beyond bridge.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-13]

  Bridge 20 near Decoy Pond Farm.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-08]

  Lineside huts.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-07]

  Lineside huts.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-06]

  Lineside huts.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-17]

  Lineside boxes.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-05]

  Bridge 21 at Black Down.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-14]

  Detail of bridge 21.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-15]

  Looking across bridge 21.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-02]

  Weight restriction notice on bridge 21.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-03]

  Bridge 21 from the south.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-16]

  View south from bridge 21.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-04]

  Beaulieu sub-station.

  26 June 1979     [06-P-01]

Continue to Part 13
  Beaulieu Road station to Brockenhurst.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2013

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