Malcolm Smith's


The Southampton and Dorchester Railway

Part 9 : Totton station to Junction Road crossing

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Route index


Back to Part 8
  Redbridge Junction to Totton station.

  View westwards from Totton station.

  31 May 1979     [06-L-07]

  View westwards from Totton station.

  26 February 1982     [11-B-25]

  View eastwards back towards Totton station.

  26 April 1979     [06-G-19]

Go to to Eling-01
  Eling tramway.

  View westwards from Totton station.

  31 May 1979     [06-L-08]

  View westwards from Totton station.

  12 February 1982     [11-A-31]

  Totton signal box.

  March 1982     [Totton 1]

  Totton signal box.

  March 1982     [Totton 2]

  Totton signal box.

  July 1977     [03-E-08]

  South side of Totton signal box.

  July 1977     [03-E-05]

  The back of Totton signal box.

  26 February 1982     [11-B-22]

  Lean-to building at the back of Totton signal box.

  26 February 1982     [11-B-21]

  Single line token catcher by Totton signal box.

  July 1977     [03-E-07]

  Single line token catcher by Totton signal box.

  March 1982      [Totton 3]

  Single line token catcher by Totton signal box.

  8 February 1982     [10-Z-23]

  Loco driver giving up the single line token at Totton signal box.

  8 February 1982     [10-Z-19]

  The signalman collects the single line token.

  8 February 1982     [10-Z-22]

  Loco driver receives the single line token.

  8 February 1982     [10-Z-24]

  Totton signal box.

  March 1982     [Totton 4]

  View eastwards from Junction Road crossing.

  12 February 1982     [11-B-11]

  Bridge 12c at Junction Road crossing.

  July 1977     [03-E-06]

  The back of footbridge 12c.

  14 March 1982     [11-D-21]

  Close-up detail of footbridge 12c.

  14 March 1982     [11-D-23]

  View eastwards under footbridge 12c.

  7 March 1982     [11-C-12]

Continue to Part 10
  Totton yard to the Fawley branch junction.


All pictures copyright © Malcolm Smith 2013

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