In 1976 we moved home and I constructed myself a shed 32' x 12' to house my railway collection and where I would build a working model of Wimborne station. The trackwork went down relatively quickly but I never got round to making much of the scenery before we moved house again. I was unable to take the layout and I had to abandon it.
The baseboard was comprised ½" blockboard glued and screwed to 2"x 1" battens. This was supported on a framework of 2"x 2" posts, all of which was adjustable vertically in case the floor of the shed ever settled. There was an intermediate shelf below the baseboard for the storage of magazines and pieces of railwayana.
The trackwork was Peco streamline and Hammant & Morgan controllers were used. The station and marshalling yard each had their own control panel and there were reversing loops at each end of the marshalling yard. There was also a dedicated loop for railing and assembling train formations. There was a liftable bridge to allow full access to the shed if required.
The main control panel was located by the river bridge and was capable of operating the Up and Down roads independantly. The trains could be run in a continuous loop from there but there was a separate control panel for the marshalling yard and reversing loops.
I only ever managed to make a small amount of the scenery before we moved house again and I had to dismantle the layout.
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